10 Reminders Before the New Year

tilt shift lens photography of woman wearing gray fur neckline jacket

This time of year is often a time of great reflection.  In just one year, you can learn and grow so much.  As you reflect on your own year, think about the lessons you learned, the honest advice you received, and the reminders that were important.  What would you share?

Below are ten reminders that come to my mind:

10. You are beautiful!

You may not hear it nearly enough.  There is beauty in someone’s smile, their heart for God, the way they care for others, their creativity, etc.  You are no exception.  God made you, and you are beautiful!

9. Growing is different than pretending.

Grow along this journey.  You don’t need to compare yourself to anyone.  You don’t need to have the same timeline as someone else.  Your path doesn’t need to match someone else’s path.  Growth is tough at times, but it is so much more rewarding than pretending to be a version of yourself that God never called you to be.

8. Creativity is a necessity.

Creativity is an impactful form of expression.  Find your voice and expand your perspective.

7. Tears are a sign of bravery, and not a sign of weakness.

I’m going to let this statement speak for itself.

6. Community is critical.

Community is so important in life.  Surround yourself with folks who inspire you, encourage you, support you, and love you.

5. Thank you!

You will not always receive a “thank you” in life.  However, know that you are appreciated.  Your kindness, support, call to say hello, patience, and work are not in vain.

4. Regular self-care is not optional.

Self-care is different for each person.  Find what brings you peace, relaxation, inspiration, and renewed energy.

3. Doubt creates artificial limits.

Doubt will readily try to divert you from walking confidently and fully in the purpose God has given you.  Doubt is real, and it happens.  However, know that you are capable of more than your doubt wants to make you believe.

2. Genuine friendships are a true blessing.

I’m going to let this reminder speak for itself as well.

1. God is God!

God is God.  God can do more than you ever imagined.  God is not limited in any way.  God is a healer, a provider, a comforter, a teacher, and so much more.  What a blessing that God is God.

As we near 2019, I pray that you continue to see God working in your life!

Blessings and Love,

*Photo from Pexels.com.

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